5th year - master 2 (with Julie Brun, Sarah Morel-Jean & Ghani Outemzabet)
Site: Grenoble metropolis
Program: Platform.
The project wanted to develop a project process for a united territory to live better together. This territory answers the wishes of his inhabitants by involving them directly in its evolution. Every inhabitants or incomers in the metropolis becomes then an actor. Their putting in networks creates interactions allowing to reveal the wealth of the territory.
So, everyone and each builds the metropolis of his needs, desires and wishes, allowing to live in a more intense way. We press our approach of thought of the future of the metropolis from Grenoble on already existing structures and networks - existing buildings, various associations, cooperatives and companies which defend united values.
Co-cliquons !
• Co'cliquons webiste in order to collect different contacts - inhabitants, associations, professionals and their needs and wishes.
• The virtual interface - connecting individuals and sites in order to make programmatic elements.
• 3 different types of projects : housing | housing and activity | activity
Programmatic diagrams and different uses
Case of Murianette: social housing and activity
There are already 4 families which wish to build a housing environment together. Loïc is a young man looking for a job and a shared housing solution. In order to answer to these different needs and wishes and thanks to the platform, these people came into contact together and decided of a project together in Murianette.
Loïc founded a job in agriculture in this small town and the 4 families could renovate an old stone building with some commun rooms and shared spaces.
Case of "Galerie de l'Arlequin de la Villeneuve in Grenoble
We propose a project of requalification of the galeries de l'Arlequin. A rehabilitation of grounds, ceilings and posts of the gallery in which the inhabitants can participate. Colored interventions come to revitalize the space of wandering.
We also suggest to integrate in a punctual way some kiosks. These spaces situated in appropriables angles of the gallery becomes areas of sale, exchanges of services and know-how of the local residents. In a utopian way this intervention would allow to develop a microeconomy within the neighborhood of Villeneuve.
• Interactions of the different networks and their impact on the territory
| needs, wishes, platforms, sites, programmes, metropolitan players, associations, existing networks